Portable Ice Bath: Freezing Temperatures for Rising Profits
Ah, spring is here! The clock has gone forward an hour, nighttime comes later, and Mister Fahrenheit is burning through the sky. If you’re like me, you’ve already donned your favorite t-shirt and tucked into an ice cream despite the weather still not hot enough.
In the past, we covered various trending products; today, we’ll honor the spirit of spring and go for one that will give you a chilling experience. You’ve guessed right — portable ice bath!

What’s a Portable Ice Bath?
At first glance, it seems more of a service where someone shows up at your door and gives you a wash using ice cubes. It’s not — it’s actually a product.
Ice baths have an enormous benefit on our health. It shocks our body (in a positive way) and gives us a rush of endorphins, which relieve stress and pain, as well as bring us a sense of well-being. The shock also stimulates the part of our brain that controls the relaxation state and improves our overall mood.
Of course, the benefits of ice baths have been known for decades, but nobody really cared about them until celebrities got in on them and started posting their ice bath routines. One Instagram post from Kim K and David Beckham is enough to see a surge of interest of over 400% in the past six months.
Portable ice baths are straightforward in their name — it’s a portable container in which you can have an ice bath. They can be tubs, pods, barrels, and tanks. The keyword here is portable. A wooden tub with a capacity of 300 gallons won’t do the trick.
If you want to capitalize on the trend and add portable ice baths to your portfolio, we suggest you check out Alibaba and various tools for online arbitrage that can help you easily turn in a profit.
Product Examples
Check out the top sellers in this category on some of the most popular online marketplaces:
- Amazon — Sold by Explore Fitness. The bathtub uses insulated fabric to maintain the temperature for longer periods. The temperature can vary from 14°F to 122°F, making it also useful for hot baths. It comes with an all-weather lid to keep your water clean. Price: $145.00.
- eBay — Sold by Iceman Marto. With a capacity of about 52 gallons, this single-person portable ice bath is ideal for outdoor use and has three layers for protection and temperature control. The inflatable upper ring makes it easy to store when unused. Price: $146.37.
- Walmart — Sold by A-bestca. The bathtub uses aluminum alloy, pearl cotton, and a plastic frame to create a foldable bath that takes five easy steps to assemble. It comes with an insulation cover to maintain the cold temperature. Price: $93.41.
Benefits of Ice Bath
An ice bath doesn’t seem like a pleasant experience, at least not until you get used to it. So why do it in the first place? Ice baths can put your body in a temporary state of shock and increase your blood pressure for a short period of time. Unless you have heart problems, this will benefit you in the long run.
With an ice bath, you can:
- Reduce risk of diabetes
- Reduce risk of injury
- Burn calories
- Strengthen your immune system
- Reduce inflammation and swelling
- Recover more quickly
- Lower core body temperature
- Improve your mental health
- Be better at facing stressful situations
Selling Portable Ice Baths Successfully
Despite a surge in popularity, the portable ice bath market is not overly saturated. Still, you need to find ways to differentiate yourself from the competition, and the best way to do that is to offer high-quality products for more affordable prices.
To do that, you’ll need an efficient way to research, analyze, and buy products that match your description. Product sourcing tools like OABeans and BuyBotPro can help you in this endeavor.
Selling Portable Ice Baths on Top Marketplaces
The key to selling portable ice baths online is to have them in stock and be able to cater to a customer base that is located far away from your storage center.
Storing products for future sales can be tricky depending on what models you opt for.. Still, if you prioritize portability over added features, you shouldn’t have too much of an issue. You can optimize your logistics processes and expenses with one (or more) of the shipping & fulfillment tools we’ve reviewed.
Thanks for reviewing the Webretailer eCommerce Trends. Our aim is to provide insights into hot, trending products and services that online sellers should know about.
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