Crevice-Cleaning Brush: The Latest Trend in the Home Care Niche

We’ve all experienced that feeling of anger and despair when we’re cleaning our homes or cars and notice those few dust pieces that just won’t go away. As always, innovation is the solution to every problem, no matter how unimportant it may seem.

Crevice-cleaning brushes are our pick for today’s trending topic, and they are currently sitting in the online carts of many buyers.

Crevice cleaning brush featured image

Crevice-Cleaning Brush: Reaching the Unreachable

One of the greater struggles of home (and car) cleaning is reaching those tight spots that our regular brooms and cloths won’t go into. When you see a dirt spot when you’re cleaning, it can stick out and drive us nuts, regardless of the fact that nobody else notices it.

That’s where crevice-cleaning brushes come in. These products use thin, hard bristles to get in the crevices we can’t normally reach and take out the dirt that’s inside. It’s nothing groundbreaking, but it gets the job done, and, more importantly, converts online window shoppers into customers.

Seller Focus

If you’re in the cleaning products industry, having a crevice-cleaning brush in your inventory is a must. Your customer base will be happy to improve its cleaning kits, and you should be ready to pounce on the trend. Car accessories sellers should include the brush to their portfolio; we all know how picky car owners can be about the vehicles and their cleanliness.

The brush is also a great choice for gift shop owners as many buyers find it a perfect present for a new car owner.

Most of these brushes have a low price point, and the best way to make a profit is to buy wholesale and increase your margin. If you need help finding a supplier, check out some of the best product-sourcing tools and services we’ve reviewed for you.

Pricing Examples

  • Amazon: Sold by YunYiGoGoGo. The packaging includes four pieces of brushes designed to clean gaps in home and car interiors. They’re great for window shutters. Price: $7.99
  • eBay: Sold by Luoli Trading. A 3-in-1 brush made for cleaning cup stains, container corners, and narrow covers. You can choose between three different colors. Price: $2.93

Home Care Market Stats

The global revenue of the home and laundry care industry has been on a steady increase for years now. Between 2018 and 2023, the revenue grew by $35.22 billion. Shoppers in this niche don’t plan to wind their spending down anytime soon. In fact, according to Statista, the global revenue will be around $239.81 billion in 2028.

Revenue of the home & laundry care industry worldwide

Target AudienceHome and car owners, gift shoppers, DIY enthusiasts
Growth PercentageInterest in crevice-cleaning brushes increased by 1,200% in the past three months. (Source: Exploding topics
TrendingA rising trend in the cleaning niche. Videos dedicated to the category received almost 140 million views on TikTok.


Miloš Soro

Miloš Soro

Miloš Soro is a content writer dedicated to the technical side of running a business. He is our eCommerce trends, tips, and product development expert. Soro combines his six years of writing experience with an educational background in IT and is interested in the latest technology trends to provide his readers with the latest insights.

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