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$79 per month


ZonVids logo
100% overall rating
ZonVids logo

Starting Pricing

$79 per month


ZonVids Facts

Pricing ModelTiered Based
Free TrialNo
Free VersionNo

ZonVids Pros & Cons

+Allows sellers to instantly book Amazon influencers and creators
+Over 300 creators to choose from
+Affordable prices
-Videos from celebrity influencers may take 4-8 weeks to go live

Product Details

ZonVids.com is a video generation platform that facilitates placements on Amazon Live and UGC (User Generated Content) videos for Amazon Listings. ZonVids also supports video creation for other social media channels including YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram.

Video content on Amazon is a primary differentiator between successful brand listings and generic listings that never gain traction. Best of all videos can be ordered for as little as $79 and can be delivered in as few as 10-14 days.

For our readers, ZonVids is offering a 20% discount on your first video order with our exclusive code: WBRT001.

ZonVids banner with exclusive discount code

Pricing & Trial

Price Range
UGC videos start from $79.
Amazon Live placements start from $150

Integrations & Compatibility

 Amazon SitesAmazon.com

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